
When a person first comes to our rites, they will often find that we have a number of chants we often speak. Here are a few of them, recorded at rituals, for you to listen to so you can learn them. Because they’re recorded in rituals, they are not always clean recordings, but that’s kind of how we like them.

If you are unfamiliar with what a Crane call sounds like in the wild, you might listen to this first:


Often, we approach a sacred grove before the rite, and we usually sing as we do so. It’s not hard to learn the songs, but sometimes, they sound quite lovely.

Come We Now As a People – A very common processional for us:

Come we now as a people
To gather at the sacred well.
Come we now as a people
To gather in the warmth and the light of the flame.

Music and words by Ian Corrigan. Recorded at Yule 2015. Download.

We Approach the Sacred Grove – Another common processional.

We approach the sacred grove
With hearts and minds and flesh and bone;
Join us now in ways of old,
We have come home.

Words by Sean Miller; music “an Old English plainsong” traditional. Recorded at [unknown]. Download.

United in Flame & Water – An opening song that works either as a processional, or as a song sung to center the Grove in place.

Here we are, united in the flame.
Here we are, united in the water.

Words & Music by Mike Bierschenk. Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.

Processional of the Trooping Faeries – It’s not always a verbal chant: for Beltaine 2016, we gave the children drums and bell branches and had them process around the space making noise and generally building the energy before the rite, while our Priests completed the sigil in the ritual space. No scripted words, no pre-practice, but a beautiful blossoming of music and sound resulted. Recorded at Beltaine 2016. Download.

The Center and Gates

Our rituals occur at the Center of Worlds, and we establish this center and open the Gates with songs like these.

Portal Song – Our most common song used in ritual, this provides a description of our three main ritual centers and the various ways in which we approach them and hallow them. Music and words by Ian Corrigan. Recorded at Beltaine 2016. Download | Lyrics & Sheet Music.

Somebody – An alternate method of establishing the Center. Music and words by Teo Bishop. Recorded at Autumnal Equinox 2014. Download.

You Must Go Where I Cannot – Another alternate song for establishing the Center. Music and words by Bonnie and Luke Landry. Lyrics:

You must go where I cannot
And see what I can’t with my eyes
And ferry my words. Send them home.

As I stand before the well so deep
I hear wisdom calling out
supported by the ones who’ve gone before


As I stand before the fire so bright
Shining in the darkest of nights
It’s carrying our words to the Gods


As I stand before the tree so tall
Connecting all the worlds in its span
We’re centered in the realms here and now


Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.

Songs for the Three Kindreds

We offer to the Ancestors, the Nature Spirits, and the Deities. These songs accompany our offerings and praise.

A Kindred Prayer – This was written by the daughter of one of our members, who passed at age 18. Words by Bess Closs, who wrote the song when she was 12. Music by Rev. Melissa S. Burchfield, ADF Master Bard. Recorded at her memorial rite at Trillium in 2015. Download | Lyrics & Sheet Music.

Gods & Dead & Mighty Sidhe – This is a simple, beautiful, 4-line piece that is easy to sing and a stand-by for our Grove. Lyrics:

Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe
Powers of Earth and Sky and Sea
By Fire, by Well, by Sacred Tree
Sacrifice we make to thee.

We gather in the Fire’s Light
To watch our Sacrifice burn bright
Praise we give you for your might
Gifts of magic, strength, and sight.


Rooted deep into the ground
Stands the Tree upon the mound
The host of spirits dancing ’round
From here the Realms can all be found.


Hear us spirits as we pray
All the Gods and Dead and Fey
Praise we make, we sing, we say
On this blessed first of May.

(If not 5/1: “As we walk the Elder Way”)

Original music and chorus words by Ian Corrigan; additional lyrics by Rev. Jan Avende. Recorded at Beltaine 2016, led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Dance In the Graveyards – Sometimes, we do covers of great songs in ritual. Music by Delta Rae.

When I die,
I don’t want to rest in peace
I want to dance in joy
I want to dance in the graveyards, the graveyards
And while I’m alive
I don’t want to be alone
Mourning the ones who came before
I want to dance with them some more
Let’s dance in the graveyards

Gloria, like some other name we kept on
calling ya and waiting for change
But I belong to all of your mysteries
And all of us, we’re meant for the fire,
but we keep rising up and walking the wires
So when we go below don’t lose us in mourning


Oh my love, don’t cry when I’m gone
I will lift you up, the air in your lungs
And when you reach for me, we’ll dance in the darkness
And we will walk beyond
Our daughters and sons, they will carry on
Like when we were young, and we will stand beside
and breathe in their new life


Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.

Hymn To the Ancient Wise – A prayer for to those Elder Wise who have gone before us, honoring the ancestors who are priests, magicians, and bards. Lyrics by the ADF Clergy Council.

We call through the mist to the Ancient Wise,
To Poets, Magicians, and Priests.
We, too, keep the fire of the Ancient Ways,
We have honored you well at our feasts.

Wisdom and love we have gained in the work,
But greater from you we now seek.
The voice of the wise has been stilled for too long,
And with it we now hope to speak.

So lead us, and speak to us, open our eyes,
Guide us in mind, heart and hand.
Teach us, we pray you, the ways of the wise
For the Gods, for the Folk, for the Land.

Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.

Wayfaring Stranger – A song about travel to the Otherworld, appropriate for the Ancestors. Lyrics arranged by Ian Corrigan.

I am a poor wayfaring stranger
Just traveling through this world we know
Yet there’s no sickness, toil nor danger
In that bright world to which I go

I’m going there to see my father
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going o’er the Water
I’m only going over home

I know dark mist will gather ’round me
The road goes westward, from the east
But golden fields lie out before me
And Holy Halls where I shall feast

I’m going there to see my mother
She said she’d meet me when I come
I’m only going o’er the Water
I’m only going over home

I’ll soon be free from toil and danger
With friends and kin, in that bright Gard
I was a poor, wayfaring stranger
I’ve entered to my great reward

I’m going there to see my kinfolk
O’er misty road and dark sea foam
I’m only going o’er the Water
I’m only going over home

Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.

Songs Praise

Often used in ritual as we make praise offerings, or as offerings of praise on their own, these are general and open songs to the Spirits.

Come Pray With Me – A very common song for us to sing while the folk bring praise to the spirits. Words & music by Rev. Jan Avende, ADF Priest. Recorded at Autumnal Equinox 2014. Download.

Kindreds, Three, We Honor You – A song about all the Kindreds, giving praise to them. Words & music by Luke Landry and Rev. Melissa Ashton. Lyrics:

To those who dwell on high
Mighty Gods and Goddesses
Join us at our Sacred Fire
Shining Ones, we honor you.

To those in the middle realm
Nature Spirits, Land kin
Join us at our Sacred Fire
Noble Ones, we honor you

To Those Who’ve Gone Before
Mighty and honored Dead
Join us at our Sacred Fire
Ancestors, we honor you

Let our voices resound in the Well
Let our voices arise on the Fire
Let our voices and hearts sing our praise
Our voices and hearts, together as one

Shine your blessings down
Grant us wisdom and truth
As we give to you your due
Kindreds, Three, we honor you
Kindreds, Three, we honor you

Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.

Teutates – Written in praise to the patron of our Grove, Teutates, the god of the tribe. Words & music by Rev. Melissa S. Burchfield, ADF Master Bard. Led by Rev. Jan Avende in the versions here. Download 2011 ver. | Download 2014 ver. | Lyrics & Sheet Music.

Waters of Life / Return Flow

We receive the blessings from the Spirits in many ways, but most often through the Waters of Life in our rituals. These songs capture that.

Blessings in the Waters – This is a simple, beautiful, 4-line piece that is easy to sing and a stand-by for our Grove. Lyrics:

May the power of the Kindred be shown to me.
May the omens and the blessings be shown through me.
May the blessings in the Waters fill my soul.
May the wisdom of the Kindred make me whole.

Music and words by Traci A., Grove Artisan. Recorded at Spring Equinox, led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Send down the Waters – We call out for the Waters of Life in this song. Typically, the chorus is sung by the folk. Chorus lyrics:

Send down the Waters of Life,
Flowing from below and above.
Grant us these gifts from on high;
Bless all our lives with your wisdom and love!

Music and words by Rev. Melissa S. Burchfield, ADF Master Bard. Recorded at Yule 2015, led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Power of the Spirits – We sing of the power welling up within us as we partake of the blessings in this song. Typically, the main line is sung by the folk, and the alternating response is sung by individuals who enjoy a moment to stand out from the crowd (usually our bards, but anyone can jump in). Lyrics:

Repeating: Power of the Spirits…
Flowing through me…
Shining in me…
Growing with me…

Original music and words by Ian Corrigan. Recorded at Summer Solstice 2016, led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Deeper Well – Bluegrass Return Flow? We have that. Written to liven up the process of blessing and drinking the Waters, this tune is great for increasing the tempo of a rite! Lyrics:

Opened the gates and invited them in,
The Gods, the Dead, and the Nature kin,
To share with us in our rite,
Sharing water from a deeper well.
Opened the gates and asked to play
To play our song as we pray
A sacrifice to those blessed three
Sharing water from a deeper well


Well, for the water from a deeper well
Well, for the water from a deeper well
Well, for the water from a deeper well
Well, for the water from a deeper well

Gave to the well and I gave to the fire
Gave to the Gods what they desire
Our worship and our sacrifice
Lookin’ for water from a deeper well.
We ask them all into our rite
We ask them for a clearer sight
We ask them for whate’er they might
Lookin’ for water from a deeper well


Asked for the gifts and the blessings three,
Had the oracle read them me
Read them me so I would know
So I would know what had been bestowed
Filled our cups with the waters sweet
Felt their powers within me
Turn it outward and let them grow
Drinking the water from a deeper well


I carry these blessings out to the folk
I carry these blessings that the oracle spoke.
Out to the folk and out to the world,
To every leaf, root, branch and burl.
We found the water from a deeper well,
We’ll drink it down and give a yell
Give a yell that the blessing’s good
It came from the well and the fire and the wood


Original music and words by Jeff White and Mike Bierschenk. Recorded at Samhain 2016, led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.


As we have come to the place of worship, so must we eventually leave it. These songs are for when we leave the space.

Walk With Wisdom – By far our most common recessional, our Grove likes to add a bit of “pirate” to the song.

Walk with wisdom from this hallowed place.
Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall e’re embrace.
May strength be your brother, and honor be your friend,
And luck be your lover until we meet again.

Words and music by Sable. Recorded at Yule 2015 & Samhain 2016. Download Yule 2015 | Download Samhain 2016.

Bardic Noodling

Sometimes, during a rite, our bards just noodle around and make noise while something else happens.

Spring Equinox 2016 – During the Praise Offerings, we don’t always have a song. This was 6 minutes of noodling by our Bards to keep the energy flowing and the praise moving through the rite. Recorded at Spring Equinox 2016. Download.

Samhain 2016 – A bit of noodling while we passed the wreath around the space and let people tie ribbons to it in memory of their ancestors. Recorded at Samhain 2016. Download.