Summerland Festival: Registration Info

Come and join us at the forested nature reserve surrounding the Little Miami River, where our festival continues in person, in ghosti, and in Camp Clifton.

Post-pandemic changes

While Three Cranes Grove wants to continue the Summerland Festvial that we have all known and loved, our current contract with Camp Clifton differs from the pre-pandemic ones. We’ve made some changes from how you may be used to things going, so please do review this page before going on to the registration form itself.

Related to the pandemic itself, all registrants will be required to show proof of vaccination against Covid-19 at check-in.


The Summerland Festival 2022 will be held in-person at 4-H Camp Clifton near Yellow Springs, Ohio.

The camp will open at 10:00 am Thursday, August 18th, and events are scheduled from Thursday midday through Sunday morning; see our schedule page for full details. All attendees must be off-site by 11:30am on Sunday, August 22nd, without exception.

Registration fees

All Summerland Festival attendees must be registered. The sole exception is the main ritual on Saturday, which is always free to attend for all persons, regardless of registration; we would expect main ritual attendees to arrive on Saturday afternoon, after workshops are concluded.

Online pre-registration (closes August 12th)

Adult (16+) full-weekend registration: $65
Adult (16+) single-day registration: $20
Child (15 and younger) registration: free

Please note that cabin reservations and meal plans are separate and not required (see below for details).

On-site registration

Adult (16+) full-weekend registration: $75
Adult (16+) single-day registration: $25
Child (15 and younger) registration: free

Please note that on-site reservations cannot include meal plan. Cabin space may be available, but is not guaranteed.

Meal Plans

We are pleased to be able to continue providing a meal plan! Meal plans are only available for full-weekend registration (no day passes), and cannot be purchased on-site.

You are not required to purchase a meal plan; feel free to cook for yourself (cook stoves or grills only; no individual campfires permitted), or to avail yourself of the restaurants and stores in nearby Clifton, Yellow Springs, and Cedarville. Everyone, regardless of their meal plan, is invited to participate in the Saturday evening potluck.

Meal plans will include 8 meals, Thursday lunch through Sunday breakfast. (The Saturday evening meal is potluck.)

Adult (16+) meal plan: $65
Child (8-15) meal plan: $32.50
Child (0-7) meal plan: free

All children eating on the meal plan must be accompanied by their parent or guardian, who must also have purchased a meal plan.

At registration you will have the opportunity to describe your dietary needs. We will make every effort to accommodate all diets and avoid cross-contamination, but be aware that all meals will be prepared in the same workspace.


Tent camping

There is a full meadow on-site for tent camping, and there is no charge for tent camping. Be aware that no individual campfires are permitted. Tent space is always available, including for on-site registrants.

Cabin space

Cabin bunk space: $15

This is one of the major changes from previous practice: we are handling cabin space on a per-bunk, per-person basis, in order to more easily welcome attendees not attending as part of a group. You are welcome to organize cabinmates, and will have space on the form to list your requested cabinmates. For our ease of placement, please all list each other!

Please note: the nurse’s cabin will be reserved for a quiet respite area, and the staff cabin will be reserved primarily for those with medical needs. The other building across the meadow, previously used for lodging, is not included in our current contract.

Our plan is to establish morning person/night owl areas and quiet areas (further away from the fire circle). If you have other requests, please list them in the “cabin request details”; we can’t guarantee everything, but we will do our utmost to place everyone in accordance with their needs.

Children: children bunk for free, but must bunk in the same cabin as their parent or guardian.

On-site registrants: cabin space may be available for on-site registrants, pending availability, but is not guaranteed.


There are numerous hotels available within a 20-minute drive of Camp Clifton.

Scholarships and Work Barter

We also recognize that everyone has different financial means, and as such a small number of discounted registrations and work barters will be available. If you would like to request a discounted registration/work barter, please contact us at

By the same token, if you have the means to contribute to our scholarship fund — which is entirely funded by the generosity of festival attendees — we invite you to add a contribution to your total.