Holiday Toy Collection

Honouring our Gods through work in this realm

High DayTotal
Yule 200318
Yule 20046
Yule 20057
Yule 200637
Yule 200797
Yule 200816
Yule 200984
Yule 2010

Each year, at our Samhain and Winter Solstice rituals, we collect toys for Franklin County Children’s Services, with toys that are not suitable for Children’s Services going to another local charity, such as Firefighters4Kids. Both these charities help out on a very local level, with the toys donated to Children’s Services going to their playroom.

In 2007, we expanded our colleciton. Rather than collecting toys at Yule only, we began to collect toys at Samhain. The hope is to increase the number of toys we take in, which will allow us to distribute more joy each holiday season.

Franklin County Children Services provides protection and care for abused, neglected and dependent children and troubled youth through its many programs and services. These toys make a real difference in children’s’ lives, and it’s one of the more rewarding service projects we do throughout the year.

Please consider donating through us each holiday season. Donations are taken until the night of our Yule ritual each year, so if you cannot attend but would like to donate, please contact us.

Toys Suitable for Children’s Services donation
SuitableNot suitable
Toys with big piecesToys with small pieces
Wooden or very solid plastic toysfuzzy/furry toys or stuffed animals
Picture books (thick pages are good)Art supplies
large piece puzzlesBoard games and cards
Toys without batteriesNoisy toys
Large items (such as craft tables
or small-end playsets)

As mentioned above, anything that is not suitable for donation to Children’s Services will go to another local charity.