
Meditations are organized by topic and type, with a brief bit of information describing the meditation.

If you are unfamiliar with what a Crane call sounds like in the wild, you might listen to this first:

Two Powers Meditations

Typically, our “grounding and centering” portions of our rites take the form of a meditation we call the “Two Powers,” focusing on a sky power and an earth power. There are many types of these meditations, and hopefully this will give you an idea of the broad range of possibilities with this very basic work.

The Two Powers Meditation – The original Two Powers script from the ADF Dedicant Path (p. 95 in the DP handbook as of this writing). Led by Shana French. Download.

A Basic Two Powers Meditation – A very basic Two Powers meditation, after the original script. Simple, clean, and easy. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Dual Voice Two Powers Meditation – From our Dublin Irish Festival rite, the Sunday Druid Service, comes this lovely meditation in two voices. A long-time favorite of the Cranes. Led by Lisa Lea Allshouse & J. Lee Mudd. Download.

Stone, Cauldron, Fire Two Powers Meditation – A centering meditation involving the stone, the cauldron, and the fire. Led by Lisa Lea Allshouse. Download.

Shawneen’s Two Powers Meditation – A second basic Two Powers meditation, also after the original script. Simple, clean, and easy. Led by Shawneen Bear. Download.

The Dryad Two Powers Meditation – Designed for a Grove, but excellent when alone as well, this meditation leads the seeker on a path to experience the Two Powers. Led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Jenni’s Two Powers Crocus Meditation – This Two Powers meditation is ideal for Imbolc and early spring, and was written by Rev. Jenni Hunt. Different in form but not function from the other 2P meditations, this one is special to our Grove. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Anne-With-The-Band’s Two Powers Convection Meditation – Reversing the usual Two Powers with a hot earth power and a cool sky power, this one draws the Powers together in fascinating ways. Written by Anne-with-the-Band, Led by Rev. Candy “Sophia” Partlow. Download.

Calling for Inspiration – A Two Powers meditation that calls both for the Two Powers we often work with, and inspiration as well. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler and Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Other Grounding and Centering Meditations

Occasionally, we use other forms of grounding and centering in our rituals. These are a few of those meditations.

Center with Heartbeat and Breath – A simple meditation for finding your center, focusing on your heartbeat and your breath. Led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

The Nine Breaths Meditation – A simple meditation for entering into sacred space. Often used at our Druid Moon rites. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Gates and Gatekeeper Meditations

Gatekeeper work is important to Our Druidry, and forming a connection with our gatekeepers is something we strive for in all our rites. This is a good meditation for that.

The Garanus Meditation – Before we open the Gates in ritual, we often do a meditation to connect with the Crane. This is a common form of that meditation. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Seeking the Inner Gates – A meditation to find the Gates within you, to merge them with the Gates in the physical world. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Meditations for Life

Meditations and work designed to help people connect with life’s mysteries, rites of passage, and experiences that come with doing our work in the physical realm.

Relaxing Meditation – A simple meditation designed to take you to your center, and to let the cares of the world slip away. Written by Rev. James “Seamus” Dillard, led by Midnight. Download.

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Into the Womb – A meditation for pregnant women, designed to help you connect with your baby in your womb. Led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

A Toddler’s Inner Grove Meditation – A simple guided meditation to the Inner Grove for little Druids, designed for bedtime (or any other time calming is needed). Led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

City Senses, Nature Awareness Meditation – A meditation for becoming aware of nature, either indoors or outdoors, either in or out of the city. This is especially well-suited to times when it is difficult to get away from the feel of the city. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler, written by Nick Egelhoff. Download.

Meeting the Ancestors – A meditation where the Crane guides you to meet the Ancestors on the shores of their isle. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Ancestor Prayer – Part prayer, part meditation on the cosmos, birth, and death, this short piece is ideal for ancestor work. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Ritual-Specific Work

Some of our work is seasonal, and we produce a few things for specific High Days and Druid Moon rites, as well as other calendar events.

Ogronios Moon Meditation and Prayer – This is a simple meditation and prayer for our March Druid Moon, Ogronios, the “End of the Cold” month, where we honor the Earth Mother. Led by Revs. Jan Avende and Michael J Dangler. Download.

Vision-Work Meditation and Trance

Deeper than most of our ritual-centered work, these meditations are designed to help people connect to the Spirits and our work in a variety of ways.

Meeting the Crane – A meditation to introduce yourself to the Crane. Designed to lead you to that place where the Crane can be encountered, this is also the founding work for the ADF Order of the Crane. There are three versions of this meditation, all with the same script, but with different voices leading.

Meeting the Crane – Male Voice, Led by Rev. James “Seamus” Dillard. Download.

Meeting the Crane – Three Voices – Three voices (two female, one male). Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler, Midnight, and Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Meeting Teutates – A short, introductory trance to meet Teutates, the God of the Tribe we honor as a Grove. Written by Traci A. Led by Rev. Jan Avende and Midnight. Download.

Passing the Mist – A bit of trancework from the ADF Dedicant Path (p. 98 in the DP handbook as of this writing), where students, assumed to have done work with the Two Powers previously, draw the mists of magic around themselves and exit the physical body with the vision body. The meditation and trancework lasts about 10 minutes. Led by Mike Bierschenk. Download.

Seeking the Fire of Piety – A meditation to seek the Fire of Piety. This is a lightly moving meditation, and involves some props: light three small candles, one in front of you, one to your left, and one to your right. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.

Alliance with the Spirits of Fire – In this meditation, you will encounter the Spirits of Fire and seek an ally among them. Led by Rev. Jan Avende. Download.

Seeking an Ally – This meditation is designed to lead you out of your sacred inner grove, to a meeting with a potential ally among the Spirits. Led by Traci A. Download.

Partnering With Nature – Seek an ally within nature by taking a short journey to a sacred space. Led by Rev. Jan Avende, written by Paul. Download.

Sacred Symbols: Cranes of Vision, Hospitality, and Integrity – This meditation leads you to meed three cranes in your Inner Grove, your personal Sacred Temple. Each Crane bears a gift for you, centering on the virtues of Vision, Hospitality, and Integrity. Led by Rev. Michael J Dangler. Download.