Inception Statement

Au Equinox, 2002

We have come together today for the inception of Three Cranes Protogrove, ADF, and to join together in worshiping and praising the Shining Ones.

A Protogrove needs to be nurtured as it grows. It needs an influx of new ideas, a creative flow that will soak its roots and keep it strong and firm. It needs leadership to show it the heights it may attain, and dedicated gardeners to tend it and guide it to its destination. It needs the sunlight of enlightened minds to warm it and to synthesize energy and vigor. It needs faith in the Gods and Goddesses to grow straight and true.

If the flow of ideas grows stagnant, or the leadership and sunlight fail, the trees will not grow, but will wither and die. Without faith in the Gods and Goddesses, our work is in vain, for it is Their hands which guide our work. This Grove is our responsibility, for we have planted it. We must not fail it, for it will never fail us.

Mission Statement

From the 3CG Bylaws

To serve the spiritual and intellectual needs of the central Ohio community through open and inclusive public Druidic ritual, religious support of the community in a Druidic way, fostering and promoting community for Pagans in central Ohio, regardless of path or tradition.