Category: Ritual Scripts

A Simple Woodland Blessing Video

At Wellspring in 2007, ADF filmed a short, three-person ritual. Along with Rev. Susan Parker-Wyndham and Rev. Caryn MacLuan, our own Rev. Michael J Dangler participated in this ritual. The video is

Imbolc 2008

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to

Samhain 2007

This ritual was held at Blacklick Woods Metropark, in the Sasaffrass Shelter. It was held on Oct. 28, 2007. Attendance: 32, 16 ADF/16 non-ADF Canned Goods: unknown toys: 40 Raffle/Donations: $13/$51 Omen Are our

Beltane 2007

The Sacred Grove is arranged and hallowed, hopefully with lots of fresh flowers and brightly colored ribbons. Preferable altar cloth colors = red and white. Purpose Six months ago we

Imbolc 2007

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to

Spring Equinox 2006

I. PROCESSION Before stepping into ritual area, but after being censed and aspersed, participants will be asked Druid: by what name are you known, and from whence do you hail?

Imbolc 2006

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to

Winter Solstice 2005 – Saturnalia

I. MUSICAL SIGNAL Celebrants gather outside the ritual area, and Anne rings a bell to get things started. II. CERES INVOCATION1 [An offering of lavender is made to Ceres.] O,

Samhain 2005

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to

Autumn Equinox 2005

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose [A purpose is inserted here,

Summerset 2005

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today we come together in

Lughnasadh 2005

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is the celebration of

Summer Solstice 2005

First be warned that this is not a normal ADF rite…. this rite is performed to grow outside of the normal parameters, to help show that religion should be a

Beltane 2005

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is Beltaine, the Hinge

Spring Equinox 2005

Eostre Rite, 2005 (stolen liberally from The Troth’s Our Troth,Grove of the Mystic Ash, Red Maple Grove, Stone Creed Grove, and I. Statement of Purpose: (Leesa) We gather to

Imbolc 2005 Liturgy

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to

Winter Solstice 2004 – Saturnalia

BRIEFING Brief Outline: Earth Mother Prayer Procession & Purification Grounding/Centering Precedent/Purpose Ritual re-creation of cosmos: Evocation of gatekeeper Establishing the sacred center w/3 gates Opening the Gates Beneficial influences: Apollo

Samhain 2004

0: The Sacred Grove is arranged as described. The celebrants hallow the Grove; the Fire is lit, the Well is filled, the Tree is blessed. Purpose Today is a day to