Bind Yourself to Action: Solidarity with Anti-Racist Action

A black and white photo of marchers, some holding over their heads a large cloth banner reading "Black Lives Matter." Below the photograph, a legend in bold text: Bind Yourself to Action.

In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, we have seen ever more clearly the racism and police brutality that is woven through our society. Three Cranes Grove, ADF, stands in solidarity and grief with the Floyd family, and with the Black and POC communities of Minneapolis and the country as a whole, including our own city of Columbus.

It is time — it is beyond time — for all people of goodwill to stand up, stand tall, and stand together against racism. The protests of these last few days are only the latest manifestations of a centuries-long struggle for freedom and liberation, a movement that must continually gain momentum. Black Lives Matter, and we must show it now, through our words and our works.

Are you able to be on the ground at protests? You can give of your time.

Do you have skills that allow you to support active protestors or work in advocacy? Give of your talent.

Do you have money to give to support funds and organizations demanding justice? Give of your treasure. (see below)

As pagans, we are firm believers in the power of ritual and magic to empower and embolden, so we offer this working: take up your sturdy shoes, and put them on your feet. As their sides enfold your feet, feel the stability they grant. As their soles cushion your feet, feel the support they grant. As you tighten the laces, feel the power they grant.

Now, as you tie each knot in your shoelaces as you normally would, set your intention. You will tie your right shoe to bind yourself to action, and tie your left shoe to bind those who work against social justice.

Right shoe:

With this knot, I bind my resolve that it may not flee me.
With this knot, I bind myself to my community, that I may stand with them.
With this knot, I bind myself to work for social justice, that all may breathe unfettered.

Left shoe:

With this knot, I bind the boots of those who bring oppression.
With this knot, I bind those who seek to wear us down.
With this knot, I bind those who would see others bound, and steal the breath from their lungs.

This first knot binds me in power, seeking justice; this second knot binds those who seek to hold others down.

I step forth for others,
marching with them
in my heart and my soul.

May each step I take
provide more breathing room
for others.

So be it.

It is time to take action, and you are now empowered to take it.  You can do this. We all must do this. Stand with us and add your support to others, because together we are stronger.

There are many options for sharing of your treasure, but right now bail funds — which help to post bail for those arrested during protests — urgently need your support. Whether you donate to a bail fund or another organization supporting a different part of the movement, consider making donations a regular part of your charitable giving.

Minnesota Freedom Fund

Columbus Freedom Fund: CFF Facebook page | CFF PayPal link

Bail Funds Nationwide (Google Doc listing)