Live Bardic Concert! (July 14th, 2018)

On Sunday, July 14th, we ran a live bardic concert, offering a concert of some favorites, via Facebook to anyone who wanted to tune in. It was a lot of fun, and we wanted to let you get a bit of a window. Here’s the video from our event, archived for your viewing pleasure!


Our Bards are here, playing live!

Posted by Three Cranes Grove, ADF on Saturday, July 14, 2018

We run these events roughly quarterly, and our next one will be in November, we think.  We’ll update folks once we’re ready to go with a date and an event!

Are you interested in what goes on a bit behind the scenes with these concerts? You can tune into the July 19, 2018, episode of “Druids in Cars, Going to Festivals” to hear Rev. Avende and Rev. Dangler discuss the backend work that went into developing and running this concert series. (Episode link becomes available midnight of the release date.)

You can also find our podcast for download on our site, and you can watch past bardic concerts on our YouTube page.

Our next major event is the Druid Sunday Service at the Dublin Irish Festival, which we will also broadcast live. We’ll post about that event shortly!