Summer Solstice 2003



Today, we celebrate midsummer or summer solstice…not in our normal way but with maybe a little more creativity than normal. It started as a joke or throw away comment (and with much urging from Jennie) about doing a Soulstice Ritual, much like Soul Train, where the whole ritual is based on soul music. I sat down and starting thinking about it and about music in general and I realized that music is food for the soul, from the spirituals sung in the cotton fields, to the bagpipes calling you home, to the inner-city beat of rap music, music is always there to “take you away to that special place”…in addition to that, what better time to celebrate music than in the summer, from the open car windows, the transistor radio at the beach, from the rooftops and backyard barbeque… hear the sounds of summer and dance to the beat of the music….


Procession Chant:

Ease on down, ease on down the road
Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road
Don’t you carry nothing that might be a load
Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road

Fire and Water: Seer draws water from the Well and Bard lights a censer from the Fire. They quickly cense and asperge the company as they enter.

Opening Prayers

A: Universal Spirit:Fire, Well and Tree

Offerings to the Sacred Center

Jim positions himself at the Well,
Mike at the fire, and Jennie at the Tree.
Offerings are given when the songs states:

(Jim says)

When the waters rose in the darkness
In the wake of the endless flood
It flowed into our memory
It flowed into our blood.

When something broke the surface
Just to see the starry dome
We still feel that relation
When the water takes us home
In the flying spray of the ocean
The water takes you home.

(Offering to the Well)

(Mike says)

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn’t get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire

The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire

(Offering to the Fire)

(Jennie says)

Beloved, gaze in thine own heart

The holy tree is growing there;
From joy the holy branches start
And all the trembling flowers they bear.
The changing colours of its fruit
Have dowered the stars with merry light;
The surety of its hidden root
Has planted quiet in the night;
The shaking of its leafy head
Has given the waves their melody.
And made my lips and music wed,
Murmuring a wizard song for thee,

(Offering to the Tree)

Opening The Gates

(Leesa says)

I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees.
I went down to the crossroads, fell down on my knees.
Asked the Gods above for mercy, “Save me if you please.”

I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.
I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.
Nobody seemed to know me, everybody passed me by.

I’m going down to Rosedale, take my rider by my side.
I’m going down to Rosedale, take my rider by my side.
You can still barrelhouse, baby, on the riverside.

You can run, you can run, tell my friend-boy Willie Brown.
You can run, you can run, tell my friend-boy Willie Brown.
And I’m standing at the crossroads, believe I’m sinking down.

Robert Johnson, Delta Bluesman,
Open the ways for us.
Guide us as we walk in your drifting ways,
Guide us as we walk the Sacred Road.
Share your magic with us,
Ward us as we travel to meet the Kindred.
Tune our guitars and our hearts.
Bluesman accept our sacrifice.

All: Bluesman, accept our sacrifice!

An offering of oil is given to the Fire. Jim then conjures the Gates, making an opening triskel on the Fire and well, saying:

Now, Bluesman,
Join your magic with mine

And let the Fire open as a gate,
Let the Well open as a gate,
Let the Tree be the crossroads of all Worlds.

Open as a current to our voices and to the Spirits.

Let the gates be open!

All: Let the gates be open!

Kindred Offerings

The druids make proper offerings to each of the Kindred, standing at the fire.


To those who shared their hearts and music…Those who have come before us and those who have moved on

John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Joey Ramone, Louie Armstrong,
Frank Sinatra, Curt Corbain, George Harrison, Hank Williams,
Marvin Gaye, Sammy Davis Jr., Jimmi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,
John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jackie, Wilson, Brian Jones,
Glen Miller, John Coltrane, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Buddie Holly…Most recently, Ray Charles

And all the ancestors that have come before us accept our sacrifice!

(An offering of beer and bread is made to the Ancestors)

All: Ancestors, Accept our sacrifice!

Nature Spirits

In keeping with our theme…let us think about the music that the nature spirits create, the crickets, bull frogs and cicadas with their evening lullaby, the wake up call of the robins, blue jays and all our feathered friends, the lonely solo of the coyote, the wind rushing thru the trees, the trickle of water in the stream…

Nature Spirits, accept our sacrifice!

(An offering of an apple in made to the Nature Spirits)

All: Nature Spirits, Accept our sacrifice!


The Children of Earth call out to the Shining Ones.

Hear us, eldest and brightest!

[To all Gods and Goddesses],

We offer you welcome.

[To all Gods of this place],

We offer you welcome.

[To all the deities of those here gathered],

We offer you welcome.

Come to our fire, Shining Ones;
Meet us at the boundary.
Guide and ward us as we walk the elder ways.
Deities, accept our sacrifice!

(an offering of scented oil is poured on the fire)

All: Shining Ones, Accept our sacrifice!

Praise Offerings

Let us close our eyes once again and feel the sun on our face, the cool breeze on your skin, hear the sounds of the park around you and again remember the power of summer and of music….It is now time for praise offerings and I would like each person to come up and share something about them and summer memories or perhaps something about music and how it has touched your life…

Final Sacrifice and Omen

(Jim says)

So we have given of our love and our inspiration
To the deities.

Now let our voices arise on the Fire
Let our voices sound across the Ocean
Let our words pass the boundary to the Otherworlds.

Shining Ones,
We give you our love
Our respect, and our devotion
as we pray you…

Shining Ones, accept our sacrifice!

All: Shining Ones, accept our sacrifice!

Having sacrificed to the Powers
Let us open to them
Asking what blessings they offer us in return
And the needs they have of us.

What’s the deal? Spin the wheel.
If the dice are hot — take a shot.
Play your cards. Show us what you got —
What you’re holding.
If the cards are cold,
Don’t go folding.
Lady luck is golden;
She favors the bold. That’s cold.
Stop throwing stones —
The night has a thousand saxophones.
So get out there and rock,
And roll the bones.

Mike draws Runes and interprets the omen, leading the company to contemplate the things they would ask of the powers, especially as suggested by the omen. Company re-centers in preparation for the blessing.

The Blessing

A: The litany of the waters:

(Jim says)

Ancient and Mighty Ones we have honored you
We pray you honor us in turn
For a gift calls for a gift
Hear your children:
Shining Ones, give us the Waters!

All: Shining Ones, give us the Waters!

 B: Hallowing the waters:

Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes
Watchin' the ships roll in
Then i watch 'em roll away again
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide, roll away
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time

Left my home in Georgia
Headed for the Frisco Bay
I had nothin' to live for
Looks like nothin's gonna come my way
I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
Sittin' on the dock of the bay, wastin' time

Looks like nothin's gonna change
Everything, everything remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So i guess i'll just remain the same

I'm sittin' here restin' my bones
But this loneliness won’t leave me alone
Two thousand miles, i roam
Just to make this dock my home
I'm just gonna sit, on the dock of the bay
Watchin' the tide roll away
Sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time

Mead is poured and elevated. (Jim Says)

Shining Ones:
Hallow these waters!
Behold the Waters of Life!

All: Behold the Waters of Life!

Each person drinks from the horn.


When all is done, the druids lead a resettling, then begin to close the grove, saying:

The Great Ones have blessed us
With joy and music in our hearts
Let us carry the magic from our sacred Grove
Into our lives and our work.

Each time we offer to the Powers
They become stronger
And more aware of our needs and our worship.

So now as we prepare to depart
Let us give thanks
To all those who have aided us.

O Patrons of those here, We thank you!

All: We thank you!

O Gods and Goddesses of elder days, We thank you!

All: We thank you!

O Spirits of this land, We thank you!

All: We thank you!

O Ancestors, our Kindred, We thank you!

All: We thank you!

To all those Powers that have aided us, we say again…

We thank you!

All: We thank you!

Druids renew the company’s centering once more, signaling the return to common awareness and ease of access to the centered state. Then any unused offerings, return flow, incense, water etc. is given to the earth, saying:

Mother of all
To you we return all we leave unused
Uphold us now in the world as you have in our rite.

We thank you!

All: We thank you!

The druids go to the center. They speak:

O Bluesman, wanderer of the ways
For your presence and power
Your guiding and guarding we say…

We thank you!

All: We thank you!

Druid makes the closing sign over the hallows, saying:

Now by the Keeper of Gates and by our magic
We end what we began.

Now let the Fire be flame.
Let the well be water.
Let the Tree be only a tree.
Let all be as it was before.
Let the Gates be closed!

All: Let the Gates be closed!

Go now, Children of the Earth
In peace and blessings
The rite is ended!


Happy trails to you
Until we meet again
Happy trails to you
Keep smiling until then

Who cares about the clouds if we’re together
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather
Happy trails to you ‘Til we meet again