Joining Three Cranes

In order to become a member of Three Cranes Grove, ADF, follow this path:

  1. Read our By Laws.
  2. Visit the ADF website.
  3. Check through our liturgyritualscalendar, and service to see if you like what we’re doing.
  4. Subscribe to Three Cranes’ Announcement list.
  5. Please contact us!

Once you have attended one of our rituals, you may request to become a Friend of the Grove. When you have been a Friend of the Grove for 6 months (and have actively attended Grove functions), you may apply (or be invited to) become a Grove Member.

Grove membership is not required to attend most rituals.

There are two categories of membership. One is “Grove Member”, and the other is “Friend of the Grove”. A Grove member is required to attend at least one High Day ritual per quarter and to remain current on their dues. A Friend of the Grove can be anyone who has attended a ritual and pays dues at the “Friend” rate (50% of the Member rate).

The dues for Grove Members are $60 per year, which works out to $5/month. Dues go entirely toward ritual offerings, setup, rental of location, and our service. $25 of your yearly membership dues also go toward ADF membership renewal.

Friend of the Grove

Grove Member


  • May take part in public, semi-public, and private activities of the Grove (except ADF training if the Friend is not an ADF member, and mistletoe rites)


  1. Dues: $30/year
  2. ADF Membership is optional (but encouraged)
  3. Attend one ritual and one business meeting before application

  • May take part in all public, semi-public, and private activities of the Grove
  • ADF Membership renewals are paid by the Grove
  • Ability to vote in Grove elections
  • Access to ADF training programs


  1. Dues: $60/year
  2. Attend at least 11 Grove events while a Friend of the Grove
    • 6 events must be rituals
  3. 6 months must elapse between becoming a Friend of the Grove and a Grove Member
  4. New members must already be an ADF member